Combine Single Notes and Chords in This Funky Groove From Bm to E9

March 7th, 2025

The Funk Rhythm Recipe

The Most Extensive Funk Rhythm Guitar Course Online - 45 Lessons That Take You From an Intermediate to a Gig-Ready Funkateer ***Now Available With Lifetime Access***

Having command of a versatile and extensive vocabulary of fills to connect chords and accompany singers is an essential skill for all guitarists.

Rick Stickney’s collection of 30 Timeless R&B Guitar Fills can be applied to any style of music you play, from rock and country to jazz, funk and blues.

”The tastiest fills we hear today, in contemporary music, root directly back to classic Soul and R&B music from the 60s and 70s.

To broaden your fills vocabulary, I’ve put together 30 of my favorite and most versatile R&B fills, which you can use as presented or tweak any way you wish to create your own variations.

I’ll show you fills that you can play over major, minor and dominant chord progressions, in a variety of keys and feels.

As you learn the fills you will also gain valuable insight into how to visualize them relative to common chord shapes and positions on the fingerboard, making it a breeze to move these to other keys later on.

We’ll practice all 30 of these fills over jam tracks for real-world musical context.”

You’ll have all of TrueFire’s advanced learning tools at your finger tips to personalize your workspace and learn at your own pace.

You can loop, slow down, or speed up any section of a lesson. Plus, all of the tab and notation is synced to the videos for the optimal learning experience. You’ll also get tab and standard notation files to print out, Guitar Pro files, and all of the backing tracks to practice with.

Grab your guitar, and let’s dig in!

$39.99Instant DownloadBuy on TrueFire
What You Get

Courses are interactive video software available on the TrueFire app for Windows or Mac computers and iPads. Features include multi-angle video lessons, slo-mo, looping, automatic updating, full screen, plus:

01:13:08 Run Time (32 .MP4 Files)
Charts (30 .PDF Files)
Jam Tracks (16 .MP3 Files)
Tabs (30 .GP5 or .PTB Files)

**NEW** Funky Friday All Access

  • Get Access to the entire archive of over 250 licks and all future weekly licks!

  • Soundslice Interactive Video-TAB Sync on all licks, and downloadable Guitar Pro files.

  • Multi camera angles and fretboard view.

  • Slo-motion playback, looping and built in metronome.

  • Licks categorized by style and searchable by keyword.

  • ***Bonus*** Get access to "The Funky Kitchen" Tasty Guitar's member forum to discuss gear, music and all things guitar with fellow guitarists.

  • ... all this for just $5/month!

Get Instant Access

Super-size your Funk, R&B, Soul and Blues Vocabulary

Backing Tracks & TAB

**Download the tracks by clicking the link and the 3 dots on the pop-up**

ff 08 16 24 - from 3 Degrees of Funk ff 08 16 24.pdf

ff 07 19 24 - the bounce technique ff 07 19 24.pdf

make it funky(Bruno Speight).mp3

the soul strum 92bpm w:bass.mp3 - for "Probably the most important strumming pattern" video

side steppin in funk rhythm in D.mp3 - the "Side Steppin" video

the funky weave.mp3 - for "The Funky Weave" video

johnny guitar watson - C7.mp3 - for "Johnny Guitar Watson" video

Am to D Groove.mp3 - for "Common Soul/R&B Chord Progression" video

01 Shake Everything You've Got.mp3 - for " Shake Everything You Got" video

shake everything you got slower.mp3 - for "Shake Everything You Got" video

g7 to c7 90bpm.mp3 - for March 30th, 2018 Funky Friday video

Dm Backing Track.mp3- for 4 Lead Guitar Techniques in Context

Promo Codes For $1 off eBook Packages

Exclusive Savings For Subscribers

  • 50 Funky Blues Licks TGSUBS50BLUES
  • 50 Filthy Funk Licks TGSUBS50FFL
  • 50 Funk Licks + 50 Blues Licks Bundle TGSUBS50+50